European Union is willing to “support internet technology giant”

Three countries from Europe Let technology companies support infrastructure

European Union, It wants technology companies to support internet infrastructure investments. great work on this on the table.

Last year France, Italy and Spain, The news that he wanted to introduce a new legislation through the European Commission had come to the agenda. Then these three countries Google, Meta and Netflix giant tech giants like It was stated that he wanted him to financially support internet infrastructures.. Officials stated that most of the internet capacity in Europe is occupied by the content-consuming services of technology companies. meeting the ever-increasing capacity increase requirement He wanted companies to take the responsibility on his behalf. This issue has come up again today. As the process unfolds, European Union According to a draft document seen by Bloomberg and on the table for the general public, the authorities of the member countries of the union are responsible for the use of high-bandwidth technology companies such as Netflix and Alphabet. Evaluates a proposal that will allow it to allocate budget for next-generation internet infrastructure. Bloomberg states that the EU rejected the idea in October but now wants to know what the telecom industry thinks about the process.


European Union, last year on technology Digital Markets Act (DMA) It also made a lot of noise with its legislation. With this legislation, the Union became a European-based antitrust in the field of technology. wants to build a solid anti-monopoly foundation. In the new period, which is expected to be put into use comprehensively in 2023, really big changes are targeted. European countries have experienced problems with DMA so far. wants to eliminate in one fell swoop. Thanks to DMA, for example, small technology companies will be able to compete more easily with big technology companies. More on this directly from here you can reach.
