European Sustainable Mobility Week, Sacbo at “Bike to work day”

European Sustainable Mobility Week Sacbo at Bike to work day

(Finance) – TheMilan Bergamo Airport And SACBO – respectively the first airport and the first airport management company to have obtained the “Bike friendly” certification, awarded in 2021 – participated on Friday 20 September at the “Bike to work day”, annual event that promotes the use of bicycles for commuting to and from work and which is part of the initiatives linked to European Sustainable Mobility Week. An opportunity – explains SACBO in a note – to encourage employees to use the pedal vehicle to go to work and illustrate the advantages of the bike room set up in the public area of ​​the airport, open during the day so that everyone had the opportunity to see the usefulness of this space, available to passengers and those who love to get around by pedaling.

In this context, SACBO hosted two classes of the Caniana Institute of Bergamoaddress “Design for visual communication and advertising”, in line with the particular attention paid to the younger generations and with the aim of raising awareness among young people on the strategic importance of a culture of sustainability.

The meeting opened with the greeting from the president of SACBO, Giovanni Sanga, continued with the illustration of the sustainability model developed by the airport manager and based on the concept of “multimodality”, understood as a combination of means of transport for land connections to and from the airport, which includes the use of bicycles and the network of cycle and pedestrian paths. Also speaking were Francesco Baroncini, board member of the European Cyclists’ Federation, connected from Brussels, who reiterated the excellence of the initiatives undertaken by SACBO and the Milan Bergamo airport and the importance of raising awareness among the younger generations about the daily use of bicycles for their travel, a concept reiterated by Gabriele Torri, researcher at the University of Bergamo and member of the board of Pedalopolis adhering to FiabAnd Nicola Eynard, architect and tour guide.

“We want to be present in this sustainable mobility week also to renew the commitments we have already made in recent years. We are the first bike friendly airport in Europe – he said Blood – and we want to maintain this primacy by exploring further ways to be within a dimension that is very significant and in demand today, a dimension that meets the needs of our time. We also do this by talking to eighteen-year-olds in their final year of high school: a comparison that is always useful and positive”.

“Those who choose the bicycle act concretely to change the way of experiencing public space for the better and become protagonists of a change towards cities and spaces that are more liveable, safe and accessible for all people – he declared Giulia Porta, President of FIAB Pedalopolis Bergamo –. It is very clear that the protection of the environment in which we live and our own future depend, in addition to far-sighted policies, on our commitment, we can make a small difference by starting to pedal”.

The visit of the students of the Caniana Institute continued at the airport Bike Room, where they were able to appreciate the importance of this space for cycle tourists passing through the airport, but also the attention that SACBO reserves for the needs of those who work and operate in the airport structure.
