European stock markets positive. In Milan TIM does well after INWIT stake sale

Piazza Affari takes back most of the gains from declines

(Telestock) – Widespread purchases on European stock marketswith the FTSE MIB recording the same positive performance as the Old Continent. Among the news of the day, TIM signed with Ardian and Daphne 3 the agreement for the sale of the residual stake in Invitewhich is based on a valuation of Inwit shares equal to 10.43 euros and entails for TIM an additional proceeds compared to the 2024 guidance, of approximately 250 million euros. Still in the telecommunications sector, following the announcement of the acquisition of Vodafone Italia, Swisscom formally notified the transaction to the Competition and Market Authority.

On the macroeconomic frontthe unemployment rate of United Kingdom stood at 4.2% in June, compared to 4.4% in the previous month and the 4.5% expected by analysts; Spain July inflation was confirmed as slowing to 2.8% on an annual basis.

Meanwhile, the quarterlywith different indications from Germany. Breakfast cut full-year guidance due to continued pricing pressure, Henkel reported that half-year profit jumped to 1.04 billion euros but with revenues slightly down, Nucera recorded growth in orders but highlighted uncertainties in the green hydrogen market.

The situation is substantially stable.Euro / US Dollarwhich continues the session at the levels of the day before and stops at 1.093. Session in fractional decline for thegoldwhich leaves, for now, 0.39% on the floor. No significant changes for the oil market, with the petrolium (Light Sweet Crude Oil) which stands at the same levels as yesterday at 79.66 dollars per barrel.

Unchanged it spreadwhich is positioned at +144 basis points, with the 10-year BTP yield which stands at 3.64%.

Among the main European stock exchanges modest performance for Frankfurtwhich shows a moderate increase of 0.35%, resistant Londonwhich marks a small increase of 0.23%, and Paris advances by 0.28%.

Seat slightly raised for Business Squarewith the FTSE MIBwhich advances to 31,994 points; on the same line, the FTSE Italia All-Share advances fractionally, reaching 34,111 points. Slightly positive the FTSE Italia Mid Cap (+0.28%); at the same levels as yesterday FTSE Italia Star (+0.06%).

Among the best performers from Milan, in evidence Mediolanum Bank (+1.17%), Ferrari (+1.01%), Telecom Italia (+0.77%) and Enel (+0.59%).

The worst performances, however, are recorded on BPERwhich gets -1.26%. He wavers Finecowith a modest decline of 0.59%. A slow day for Stellantiswhich marks a decrease of 0.53%.

At the top of the mid-cap rankings from Milan, Mondadori (+1.20%), December (+1.11%), Webuild (+1.05%) and De’Longhi (+1.02%).

The strongest sales, however, are seen on OVSwhich continues trading at -1.30%. Small loss for Zignago Glasswhich trades at -1.28%. Hesitant Technoprobewhich gives up 1.11%. Substantially weak Ascopiavewhich recorded a decrease of 0.76%.
