European Rugby Cup: what date for the La Rochelle final?

European Rugby Cup what date for the La Rochelle final

EUROPEAN RUGBY CUP. The Heineken Cup final will pit the Irish province of Leinster against La Rochelle.

La Rochelle once again in the big leagues! Winner at Bollaert in the semi-final of the European Rugby Cup against Racing 92, the Rochelais will face a new European final on May 28, in Marseille, against the Irish province of Leinster. The Rochelais will not leave with the favor of the predictions against the Irish who will play their 6th European final after 2009, 2011, 2012, 2018, 2019. “It’s huge, it’s a great pride for the club, for the supporters We would all like to win things, but there are stages to do so. We managed to get out of the last four twice, it’s great for Stade Rochelais, it’s a great club with real supporters. there is a lot of emotion, because it’s a great competition, it deserves more than today (a partly empty stadium, Editor’s note)” analyzed Ronan O’Gara. “It’s a Champions Cup final, I can’t wait to go to Marseille with this group, everyone wants to play this match. There’s a lot of work to do to get there. This journey continues, it is magnificent. “This will be the second time that Leinster and La Rochelle meet, after the semi-final won by the Maritimes last season (32-23).

What are the results of the semi-finals of the European Rugby Cup?

Discover all the results of the semi-finals of the European Rugby Cup 2022:

  • Leinster-Toulouse: 40-17
  • Racing 92 – La Rochelle: 13 – 20

What are the winners of the European Rugby Cup?

Here is the detail of the winners since the creation of the European Rugby Cup in 1996:

  • 2021: Toulouse
  • 2020: Exeter
  • 2019: Saracens
  • 2018: Leinster
  • 2017: Saracens
  • 2016: Saracens
  • 2015: Toulouse
  • 2014: Toulouse
  • 2013: Toulouse
  • 2012: Leinster
  • 2011: Leinster
  • 2010: Toulouse
  • 2009: Leinster
  • 2008: Munster
  • 2007: London Wasps
  • 2006: Munster
  • 2005: Toulouse
  • 2004: London Wasps
  • 2003: Toulouse
  • 2002: Leicester
  • 2001: Leicester
  • 2000: Northampton
  • 1999: Ulster
  • 1998: Bath
  • 1997: Brive
  • 1996: Toulouse
