European Council underway: what will Italy do about appointments?

European Council underway what will Italy do about appointments

(Finance) – We are waiting for the two days of the European Councilwhich begins today, to discuss a series of issues – the two wars, security and defence, migration, competitiveness – to which another chapter is now added regarding the 2024-2029 strategic agenda and appointments. The choice of the so-called “top jobs” it is the most divisive issue, given the fact that the latest elections have seen the rise of opposition forces that can no longer be ignored (and do not want to be ignored), while the old majority still standing will struggle to impose the old appointments.

The maintenance of status quoon which an agreement was reached a couple of days ago, which he saw in the lead Ursula von der Leyen at the helm of the European Commission, supported by Antonio Costa as President of the European Council e Kaya Kallas The conservatives, who are now the third group in the new European Parliament, did not like him as High Representative. A position that was too cumbersome, although the Ursula majority showed some resistance. European sources confirm that in the branch that contrasts the agreement reached there are currently theItaly, Hungary of Orban and the Slovakia of Fico.

In her communications to Parliament ahead of today’s European Council, the President of the Council Giorgia Meloni asked for a “change of pace” and denounced that the agreement reached is not “democracy”, because based on a “fragile majority” which does not take into due consideration the will of the voters. A position also supported by the PMattarella resident who urged that “don’t ignore Italy”.

What are the most likely scenarios now? It appears rather remote than the branch of the three opponents can modify the agreement reached. We therefore do not expect a firm no from Italy, which could do better play the abstention card to Ursula von der Leyen’s encore, giving a clear and unequivocal message to the new European Commission. In the majority of the EPP, on which the agreement is based, there is also a part of the Italian government, thanks to Forza Italia, which now looks with great concern at the vote of the European Parliament and the possibility of the entry of Fratelli di Italia and the Ecr into a blocking minority.
