European Commission’s call to EU members: Travel to countries with a new coronavirus variant should be banned

European Commissions call to EU members Travel to countries with

Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, called on all European Union (EU) member countries to ban travel to all countries where the “B.1.1.529 variant” of the coronavirus, which emerged in South Africa and is stated to be highly contagious, is seen.

Ursula von der Leyen said in a statement in Brussels that a travel ban decision should be taken until more detailed information about the new variant is known.

The European Commission is the EU’s executive body.

EU member states have not yet made any statement after Ursula von der Leyen’s call.

First painting in Europe**NS ‘B.1.1.529 variant’ detected in Belgium**

On the other hand, the “B.1.1.529 variant” was first seen in Belgium in Europe.

According to Belgian media, virologist Marc Van Ranst, one of the leading names in crisis management, confirmed that the new virus variant, which is spreading rapidly in Africa, was detected as a result of the test conducted on November 22.

Belgian Health Minister Frank Vandenbroucke announced that the new virus variant was detected in a person in his 30s who returned from his holiday in Egypt.

Vandenbroucke said that this person has not been vaccinated and has not had a coronavirus infection before.

According to the first determinations, the person who showed mild flu-like symptoms 11 days after he went to Belgium and who was seen “variant B.1.1.529” has no connection with South Africa.

The novel coronavirus variant, first detected in South Africa and spreading rapidly in that country, is of great concern as it is highly contagious and has the potential to develop resistance or mutate to existing vaccines.

For this reason, many European countries, including Belgium, impose an entry ban on travelers from South Africa.

Covid measures tightening in Belgium

On the other hand, the Belgian government decided to further tighten the Covid measures.

Nightclubs and discotheques will be closed for 3 weeks as of Saturday. Cafes, bars and restaurants will also close at 23:00 at the latest. In these establishments, a maximum of 6 people who are not from the same family will be allowed to sit at a table. Night shops selling alcohol and tobacco products will also have to close at 23:00.

Sectors that have to close will be supported by the government. Private entertainment and parties will also be banned for the next 3 weeks.

Covid certificate obligation will be applied in events attended by 50 people indoors and 100 people in open areas. No spectators will be allowed in indoor sports events.

People who do not have to go to work will work from home at least 4 days a week. Worships, weddings and funerals will continue within the framework of certain precautions.

New measures in the field of education will also be clarified by the government, trade unions and educational institutions by Monday.

PA Media

Belgian Prime Minister De Croo: We were defeated by the virus

Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo stated that “they are now facing a much more pessimistic situation” and that therefore the advisory committee met earlier.

“We were overthrown by the virus,” said De Croo.

