European Championship fever surprises national team: "I did not think so"

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With two weeks left until the European Championship premiere against the Netherlands on Bramall Lane in Sheffield, the desire for the championship is beginning to make itself felt. Throughout the past week’s publishers in Båstad, a lot of curious people have come to Örebäcksvallen to follow the open training sessions with the national football team, but never as many as on Midsummer’s Day.

An estimated 500-600 people went to the ball field to check out the Swedish European Championship team. This is significantly more than what the players have been used to in connection with previous championships.

“Does not happen too often”

– Yes, really, it was full all around. If you had an exercise on one side, the audience flocked there. It’s great fun, you also notice that there is extra interest now, says midfielder Amanda Ilestedt.

– It is extra fun to go out for a training session when there are people there, it does not happen too often either in club or national teams. It’s great fun, especially that there are so many young people here who can spin on their dreams and get a little extra inspiration, says San Diego striker Sofia Jakobsson.

There were packed stands, and people around the whole field, when the women’s national football team trained at Örebäcksvallen in Båstad on Midsummer Day.

The Swedish midsummer heat has caused SMHI to issue heat warnings in parts of the country, and northwestern Skåne also experienced high summer temperatures on Saturday. That did not stop the football fans in Båstad, who defied the solar gas to cheer on their national team heroes.

Sweden’s assistant national team captain Magnus Wikman noted that the interest extended further than usual.

– Today I was with a group of players who do not usually have as many fans when it is time for team training: the slopes. It is usually most interest for those who are going to make a deal, but today there were people in our corner as well. So they became very happy, it is something new, and something that everyone grows out of, says Magnus Wikman

TT: Are you surprised by the interest?

– I’m a little surprised that so many people came, I did not think so. But I am very happy for the players, says Wikman.

Sofia Jakobsson made her first major championship with the World Cup 2011, and has seen how interest in the national team has increased over the years. But at the same time it is logical that many want to join the team now, she says.

– The incredibly nice weather and a lot of people here in Båstad, and we are a fantastic national team. I’m not too surprised. I think we inspire many, we are a very good national team where everyone is a very good football player. I think there is a lot of interest around us, says Jakobsson.

Audience record is expected

On Tuesday, there is expected to be a new audience record for the women’s national team – over 30,000 tickets have been sold – when Sweden’s European Championship genre pairs at home against Brazil at Friends arena. Brighton defender Emma Kullberg feels the support, but was still a little surprised by all the fans at Saturday’s training.

– It is clear that I was a little surprised. Now there were people in the stands and around the whole pitch. It’s great that there is a lot of interest, and that people are there and check, says Kullberg.

The only downside with all the attention is possibly that the corona pandemic is being reminded. But the risk of infection is worth taking to show their appreciation to the fans, says Amanda Ilestedt.

– I feel quite calm. In the beginning I felt “oh god, now we get close”, but that was also the case in everyday situations when you had to meet people and get close without a mouth guard, says Ilestedt.

TT: But you do not feel anxious when you sign autographs, for example?

– No, I try not to focus on that. I think it’s great fun to be able to give back to everyone who comes and cheers, it feels fantastic fun.

– And we take hand alcohol immediately afterwards.
