(Finance) – Negative day for Piazza Affari and the other main European bagswhich reopen their doors downwards, in the wake of the uncertainties of the Asian and American markets. The focuson a poor day of ideas on the macroeconomic front, is still on uncertainties relating to the war of duties and to theimpact that protectionism will have on the world economy.
Caution prevails over theEuro / US dollarwhich continues the session with a slight drop of 0.27%. Session in a fractional reduction for thegoldwhich leaves, for now, on the parterre 0.51%. Oil (Light Sweet Crude Oil) continues the session just below equality with a negative variation of 0.36%.
Consolidate the levels of the eve spreadattesting to +110 basis points, with the performance of the ten -year BTP positioning at 3.83%.
Among the European price lists slide Frankfurtwith a clear disadvantage of 0.87%, small loss for Londonwhich exchanges with -0.57%, and in red Pariswhich highlights a decisive drop of 0.71%.
Caution prevails in Piazza Affari, with the FTSE MIB which continues the session with a slight drop of 0.59%; On the same line, the Ftse Italia All-Sharewhich relegates to 41,214 points.
Slightly negative the FTSE ITALIA MID CAP (-0.66%); On the same trend, the downward Ftse Italia Star (-0.83%).
At the top of the ranking of the most important titles of Milan, we find some energy such as ERG (+1.65%) and Enel (+0.54%).
Among the strongest falls, it is noted Ivecowhich records a -2.26%due to realizations, after the earnings of the past few days.
The negative performance of Stmicroelectronicswhich drops by 2.08%.
Profit also on Leonardo which drops by 1.94%, after the exploit of the past few days.
It is no exception Nexiwhich marks a -1.69%, after being in the previous session.
Among the protagonists of the Ftse Midcap, Caltagirone spa (+1.33%), Alerion Clean Power (+1.07%), Multiply Group (+0.89%) e Ascopiave (+0.85%).
The worst performances, on the other hand, are recorded on Sanlorenzowhich gets -2.59%.
Under pressure Tinextawith a strong reduction of 2.08%.
Suffer Ariston Holdingwhich highlights a loss of 1.69%.
Prey to sellers Ferragamowith a decrease of 1.62%.