European Car of the Year Award goes to Jeep Avenger!

European Car of the Year Award goes to Jeep Avenger

American automobile manufacturer jeepnewly released Avenger compact SUV at the Brussels auto show with European Car of the Year 2023 won the award. Oddly enough, the Avenger is only available in certain North American countries and Europe, as the CEO thought the vehicle was too small for the US.

However, it seems like a pretty good match for European consumers, as it has been voted the best by journalists in over 20 countries. Jeep collected 328 points from 21 judges in total and came first in this way.

Journalists agree on a few key selling points – practical, comfortable, compact. But good driving feel and very a bigger SUV It feels like a feature that makes the Avenger stand out.

Jeep wants 100% of its European revenue and half of its North American revenue to come from electric vehicles by 2030. avenger, 2nd quarter of this year The Recon and Wagooner S will be launched in the US next year.
