European authorities recommend the fourth coronavirus vaccine urgently for people over 60 years old

European authorities recommend the fourth coronavirus vaccine urgently for people

THL has recommended that the fourth coronavirus vaccine be distributed to people over the age of 60 from the beginning of September.

The European medicine authorities recommend that the fourth dose of the coronavirus vaccine should be given immediately to all people over 60 years of age and who belong to the risk groups of the corona disease.

Today’s new recommendation is backed by both the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA). The agencies’ previous recommendation was to give the fourth dose of the coronavirus vaccine to people over 80 years old.

The background of the new recommendation is the increased number of coronavirus infections in the EU, ECDC director Andrea Ammon told. An increase has also been seen in the number of corona patients requiring hospital treatment.

– The signs point to a new, widespread coronavirus wave in Europe. We need to protect those who are particularly vulnerable to severe corona infection, Ammon said.

The reason for the increase in the number of cases is considered to be the spread of the more infectious subvariant BA.5 of omicron.

In Finland, vaccines are distributed in the fall

In Finland, the Finnish Institute of Health and Welfare (THL) announced last week in its preliminary information that it recommends that the fourth coronavirus vaccine be distributed to people over 60 and those in the corona risk groups between the ages of 12 and 59 from the beginning of September. For people over 65 years of age, it is recommended to give the fourth vaccine from mid-August.

There is no need to make sudden decisions to change the schedule, comments THL’s chief physician Hanna Nohynek For STT, the recommendation of the European Medicines Authorities. In the press release of the EU authorities, it was mentioned that the national authorities ultimately decide on the administration of vaccines in light of their own situation.

– We need to familiarize ourselves with the modeling work done by the EU authorities and then draw our own conclusions. There will be no changes to the schedules, if nothing emerges from the modeling work that would give reason to start vaccinations earlier, says Nohynek.

According to Nohynek, the disease situation in Finland is currently good, and the vast majority of corona-positive people in the hospital are there for reasons other than the corona.

You can discuss the topic until Tuesday 12.7. until 11 p.m.
