Rekkles has been one of the biggest ADC talents in League of Legends over the years. Now he is conquering the toughest server in the world as a supporter. MeinMMO tells you what’s behind it.
Who are we talking about? Former ADC legend Carl Martin Erik Rekkles Larsson took a remarkable step in his career during the off-season. After previously playing for Fnatic, G2 Esports and Karmine Corp, among others, he has now joined the South Korean team T1 Esports Academy, not as an ADC, but as a supporter.
The Swede is now training his supporter skills in the South Korean solo queue. And so far he has shown amazing performances and can obviously keep up and shine as a supporter among the best players in SoloQ.
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Rekkles climbs incredibly quickly all the way to Challenger in South Korea
What exactly did he accomplish? He managed to climb to the highest rank in the South Korean league, Challenger, with 1,106 LP and a win rate of 63% (as of 12/22/23 via
His match history goes back to December 3rd, when he was still in Diamond 2. In an astonishingly short time he made it to Challenger.
If you take a closer look at his profile on, one supporter immediately catches your eye – Janna. Overall, he played them the most with 66 games during that time, followed by Senna with 19 games and Renata Glasc with 15 games. With Janna he currently has a win rate of an astonishing 68 percent.
What makes Janna so strong?
What’s so special? The LoL server in South Korea is considered the hardest server in the world, some even move to South Korea specifically to train in a boot camp and improve their skills. On the other hand, there are often complaints in the USA that even with a higher Elo, the players in the solo queue are too weak.
But the South Korean server also has its quirks. Living legend Faker believes that the quality of Korean solo cue is so low compared to the European one. He was often sabotaged in his Challenger games by AFKers and remakes.
Games are often decided after just a few minutes or there are quick draws because the team would sabotage the game (via
Rekkles’ rapid rise in the South Korean region in his support role is promising. Nevertheless, the question remains whether this success will also be reflected in the official games in 2024.
With his South Korean team he will play in the T1 Academy and compete in the LCK Challengers League against some of the most promising young new talent in the region. Rekkles is now 27 years old and is one of the old hands in e-sports. Let’s see how he will perform there as a supporter.
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