Europe took a significant step back on the controversial “Euro 7” issue

UK postpones start date of ban on petrol and diesel

As it turns out today, Europe is taking a step back on the “Euro 7” issue, which really attracted a lot of reaction when it was first announced. threw.

Many European-based giant automobile companies such as Stellantis, Volkswagen and Skoda have very strict limits. Was very worried about Euro 7 emissions regulation and a new era from many company executives There was great criticism about it. It faced opposition from member countries including France, Italy, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia, as well as automobile manufacturers. European Unionso in the new period, the current Euro 6 standards for cars and light trucks Agreed not to make any significant changes. Within the scope of Euro 7, strict regulations for buses and heavy vehicles are still on the table, while cars are still on the table. It looks like it will continue to pollute the air as much as before. Before this, England’s postponement of the start date of the gasoline and diesel vehicle ban made a stir. country before 2030 He had his goal, now he’s banned 2035 in the year will implement. For those who missed it British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, made an official statement about the new petrol and diesel cars and pick-up trucks that the UK has brought to the sale. announced that the ban was postponed for a full five years. As we said above, it moved the start date of the ban from 2030 to 2035. Altar, really attracted a lot of reaction on this issue. Because global warming is rapidly increasing its enormous impact and it does not make sense to postpone such a ban for 5 years when it is already too late. According to Sunak, this revision in the plans “It will facilitate the transition to electric vehicles” but this does not seem to be a very logical thought. Shortly before European Union In order to accelerate the transition to electric vehicles and combat climate change, sales of new gasoline and diesel cars will be increased. They agreed to ban it from 2035.

