Europe must demand its share, by Jean-François Copé-L’Express

Europe must demand its share by Jean Francois Cope LExpress

Since the invasion of Ukraine, and even more since the return of Trump, new dynamics redefine world geopolitics. Unpredictable actors, brutal methods, constant power relations between Russian, American and Chinese imperialisms. The settlement of the conflict in Ukraine is a perfect illustration of this: negotiations in defiance of Ukrainian sovereignty, where the aggressor does not pay for repairs but where the victim must yield his mining resources, and in particular his rare land, to American companies.

Read also: Could Ukraine hold without the military support of the United States?

Behind this maneuver, the objective is clear: the United States is not only trying to close a war that does not threaten them directly, they especially want to obtain an additional strategic asset in the hidden conflict which opposes them to China. Because these resources are crucial, the 17 elements that the term “rare earths” brings together already shape the power relations of the 21st century on subjects as essential as the energy transition, the technological revolution, military sovereignty. Without them, no batteries for electric cars, no semiconductors for our smartphones, no magnets for wind turbines, no radars for modern armies. A new balance under construction from which Europeans are de facto excluded.

Offer a priority channel to Ukraine

Hence this question: what does Europe await to reverse the table in turn and offer Ukraine a priority channel access to rare land and its energy potential? First support from Ukraine, from the start of the conflict, she demonstrated her total commitment to Putin. The geographic proximity and the excellent relationship of European heads of state with Zelensky should make things easier. We even broke taboos. Germany, long reluctant to any ambitious defense policy, has launched a vast rearmament plan. Finland and Sweden have integrated NATO.

Read also: EXCLUSIVE. Vladislav Sourkov, the real mage of the Kremlin: “War in Ukraine will separate the sheep and the goats”

Europe has also struck economically: 16 sanctions trains were adopted against Russia. Heavy decisions, which weaken the Russian economy but which have not been without consequences for itself. The rupture with Russian gas was a shock that the Americans have never had to overcome. Finally with regard to military aid, Europe has surpassed Washington. As of December 31, 2024, the sum of aid of the European Union, its member states, the United Kingdom, Norway and Iceland reached 132.3 billion euros. Across the Atlantic, the American effort represented 114 billion.

Europe has been able to adapt to war. She must now impose herself in peace. Because behind the settlement of the conflict, it is her own sovereignty that is at stake. She paid the price of the Russian energy grip in 2022. Today, she is trying to get rid of her military dependence on the United States. Tomorrow, if it does not react, it will be the turn of its industry to be the hostage of China. Because Beijing controls 90 % of the world production of rare land. A supremacy that owes nothing to chance: massive investments, integrated ecosystem, almost non -existent environmental regulations. One more weapon in the hands of an Xi Jinping which in 2010, in the midst of a diplomatic crisis, did not hesitate to suddenly stop its exports to Japan. Europe could be the next target. The United States does not take this risk. They invest, relaunch extraction, develop their refining and secure direct access to Ukrainian resources. They are not content to announce strategic autonomy, they apply it.

In the settlement of a conflict that will redraw global power relations, Europe can impose itself. “European sovereignty”, “strategic autonomy”: it is not the words that are missing to qualify “Europe-power” in these troubled times. But strong initiatives are long overdue. Because a power which fears the confrontation, which avoids the balance of power, which lets others decide in its place, is not one. Require rare earths can change the situation.

