Europe and the United States agree on the future of the Internet

Europe and the United States agree on the future of

The European Union, the United States and 32 other states on the planet have just signed a “Declaration for the future of the Internet”. In this three-page document, the signatories undertake to do everything to keep the Web open, free, global, interoperable, reliable and secure. They also defend the idea that human rights must be respected on the Internet as they must be in the physical world. “The Internet should operate as a single, decentralized network of networks – with a global reach and governed by the multi-stakeholder approach, in which governments and relevant authorities partner with academia, civil society, the private sector, to the technical community and others”can we read in this document.

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If all these states take the trouble to affirm things that seem obvious to us, it is because there are unfortunately opposite tendencies. Some authoritarian states, such as Russia and China, have only a very relative respect for human rights and see the network more as a threat that must be kept under control, even if it means using significant resources. filtering and censorship. Moreover, Russia and China are not among the signatories. High-tech giants also pose a risk to the openness and interoperability of the Internet, as they tend to lock users into silos. And we must not forget the piracy industry, which takes advantage of the network to carry out its malicious acts, and the risks of cyberwar. So many things that we would like to see disappear.

Source: EU
