EURODREAMS Result (FDJ): The draw this Thursday, March 20, 2025 [EN LIGNE]

The draw this Thursday March 20 2025 EN DIRECT

Eurodreams. For this new Eurodreams draw, has a player managed to win the jackpot? The results are now available.

The Eurodream draw this Thursday, March 20, 2025 did not allow any of the many participants to win the 20,000 euros per month for thirty years. On the other hand, according to the distribution of the gains indicated on the French game site, it seems that a player was lucky to climb to the second row of the winners. With the six good figures, but not the Dream number, he will be able to receive 2,000 euros per month over the next five years. What put butter in spinach, as the expression says. But unfortunately, this player did not try his luck in France. In France, the first winners of the day won “only” 149.60 euros, paid in one time. Twenty-nine grids allow their owners to leave with this lot. Are you one of the elected officials? Here are all the Eurodreams results this Thursday evening:

Draw from 03/20/2025

16 – 23 – 25 – 37 – 38 – 40/5

In the event of a victory at the EuroNodreams, a player earns a maximum of € 7.2 million over the three decades. A substantial sum, but much less attractive than the mega jackpot organized tomorrow in the Euromillions draw. Indeed, 198 million euros will be exceptionally brought into play for the occasion. Recall that the grid costs the same price as that of the Eurodreams, or 2.50 euros. But the gain, in the event of a victory, will be 27.5 times higher. Players who wish to participate in this Euromillions draw can do it without further delay. It will be possible to validate your grid (s) until 8:15 p.m. Friday evening. The results will be issued in the evening, around 9:30 p.m. For better or for worse …
