Eurockéennes 2022: cancellations, concerts… The results of the festival

Eurockeennes 2022 cancellations concerts The results of the festival

EUROCKEENNES OF BELFORT. Despite two days canceled due to a violent storm, the Eurockéennes de Belfort festival attracted 60,000 festival-goers on Saturday and Sunday July 3, 2022.

[Mis à jour le 05 juillet 2022 à 11h16] Despite the bad weather, the Eurockéennes de Belfort made their big comeback, for a 32nd edition, after two years canceled due to the Covid-19 pandemic. 60,000 festival-goers were able to enjoy the concerts on Saturday and Sunday July 3, 2022, while they had to give up the Thursday and Friday evenings, canceled after a violent storm hit the site on Thursday June 30.

“The damage caused by the rain and the violent winds require, from this night, a time of meticulous verification of the installations and structures, essential for the safety of all”, could we read in the press release, released late in the evening. . “Our goal is to continue the Eurockéennes festival from Saturday July 2 at 4:00 p.m. by ensuring the safety of the teams and festival-goers,” it added. The organizers then ensure that they commit themselves “to the reimbursement of day tickets” for Thursday and Friday July 1. “All the terms of reimbursement will be specified soon”, it is added.

The territory of Belfort had been placed in orange vigilance for risk of thunderstorms by Météo France, during the day on Thursday. According France 3, “seven festival-goers were injured during the event” and are “in relative emergency”. Violent rains, squalls and even hailstorms caused trees to fall and damaged sets and installations. After two blank years and cascading cancellations for festivals French due to the health crisis, the sors are relentless: at the beginning of June, the We Love Green festival, at the gates of Paris, had to cancel its Saturday evening for the same reasons.
