(Finance) – EurazeoFrench private equity company, has Completed the first closing of the Aurazeo Planetary Boundaries Fund 1 (EPBF) with 300 million euros guaranteed. This represents 40% of the goal of the fund of 750 million euros, ten months after its launch. The first investors of the APBF include a wide range of institutional investors, including important European financial institutions, insurance companies, assets and family offices.
This impact buyout fund, led by partners Erwann Le Ligné and Wilfried Piskula under the supervision of Sophie Flak, member of the Eurazeo executive council, was designed for climb profitable environmental solutions to reverse or adapt to overcoming planetary limitswhile offering the best buyout yields in the category.
To this end, Epbf aims to capitalize on the proven Eurazeo playbook in the Buy-and-Buit strategies To make small and medium -sized enterprises grow significantly, thus creating tomorrow’s leaders, reads a note.
The uniqueness of EPBF lies in its investment strategy based on Planetary Boundaries Framework developed by Johan Rockstrom at the Stockholm Resilience Centeras well as in the support of an illustrious consultative committee that combines experts in economic and environmental sciences. EPBF stands out in the sector for its innovative approach, applying this methodology based on science to give shape to the investment strategy and effectively measure and quantify the environmental impact of investments.
Parallel to the fundraising activity, the EPBF team has identified a solid pipeline of different opportunities throughout Europe and has announced the completion of its First investment in Bioline Agrosciencesthe third largest player in the world in the macrobiologies sector.