EU prepares testing requirements for Chinese travelers

EU prepares testing requirements for Chinese travelers

Published: Just now

full screen Passengers coming from China to Charles de Gaulle in Paris need to show a negative covid test to enter the country. The issue of common requirements for the EU will be discussed on Wednesday. Photo: Aurelien Morissard/AP/TT

Several countries have introduced requirements for negative tests for travelers from China. Now the EU will discuss whether the same requirements should apply throughout the Union.

The spread of infection in China is increasing and when the country is now easing its own travel restrictions, concerns are spreading that new virus variants will spread. Several countries have or will introduce requirements for negative covid tests, including: Great Britain, France, Israel, USA, Spain, Italy, Japan and South Korea.

On Wednesday, an EU meeting will be held, which Sweden, in its capacity as the chair country, has convened, where the issue of possible entry restrictions to the EU will be discussed. The meeting starts at 3pm and is expected to last until 6.30pm.

According to a press release from the government, the crisis management mechanism IPCR has prepared a recommendation on what should apply when entering the EU from China. According to Sara Keuse, press contact at the Swedish EU representation, the meeting is held at official level and no formal decisions will be made. Among other things, experts in health and legal matters will participate.

That the EU agrees on possible entry rules is decisive for the effect. Sara Byfors, head of unit at the Public Health Agency, told TT on Tuesday that there is little sense in Sweden alone introducing requirements for negative tests.

At the same time, the EU’s infection control authority ECDC writes on its website that the variants circulating in China are already present in the EU and are not critical for the residents here.
