EU member states are close to a historic agreement on immigration – Poland and Hungary are against it

EU member states are close to a historic agreement on

Germany and Italy reaching an agreement on a new regulatory package.

In recent days, the EU member states have come close to a historic agreement on a far-reaching immigration reform, which has been prepared as large numbers of migrants arrive on the coast of southern Europe.

On Thursday, the meeting of the interior ministers discussed the external dimension of immigration, i.e. agreements with third countries to prevent migrant flows.

There is only one piece missing from the immigration package, which concerns the crisis regulation. The setting regulates how to deviate from other settings in the package.

Germany in a central role

Especially Germany and Italy have been at odds in the preparation of the immigration reform. The point of contention between the countries is the organization’s rescue ships sailing in the Mediterranean, the Euronews news site reports.

According to the Italian government, these ships are “pulling factors” that attract larger numbers of asylum seekers to the daring sea journey. Germany, on the other hand, opposes such a characterization, calling the ships irreplaceable in saving people.

However, Germany is ready to support the compromise proposal presented on Thursday, the country’s foreign minister said Nancy Faeser said according to news agency AFP. Italy says it needs more time to study the latest proposal.

Out of the 27 member states of the EU, only Poland and Hungary have said that they oppose the immigration reform package that is now being finalized.

Mere agreement between the governments of the member countries is not enough to approve the package, but the member countries must refine the package into its final form in the tripartite negotiations of the European Parliament and the EU Commission.
