EU leaders could not agree on the appointment package | News in brief

EU leaders could not agree on the appointment package

According to Prime Minister Orpo, the names that have been presented before are strong and no new names have been presented.

The political leaders of the EU countries could not agree on names for the EU’s high offices. Prime minister Petteri Orpo (co.c.) believes that a solution will nevertheless emerge at the summit at the end of the month.

– I am an eternal optimist, but I have a very good reason to think that next week the official council will be able to make decisions.

According to Orpo, the names that were already on display are strong and no new names have been presented.
They have been on display Ursula von der Leyen for Commission President, former Prime Minister of Portugal António Costa President of the European Council and Prime Minister of Estonia Kaja Kallas As the EU’s high representative, who manages external relations.

Orpo emphasized finding trust.

– It’s about how the overall package is formed, how to create trust so that the parliament also accepts the solution.

The majority of the EU Parliament must approve the President of the Commission and the High Representative. According to Orpo, they want to make sure that a majority is found.

The election is secret, so in the voting, MEPs from political groups do not necessarily vote loyally with their party group. That’s why we want a clear majority of supporters.
