EU granted protection status to 409 thousand asylum seekers in 2023

EU Commission Italy referred to Court of Justice on waste

(Finance) – Nel 2023i countries of the European Union they granted it protection status to 409,485 asylum seekers, a 7% increase compared to 2022 (383,700). Eurostat communicates this in a report on the topic.

Among the 409,485 asylum seekers granted protection status in 2023 in the EU, 43% were granted protection status. refugee status35% obtained the subsidiary protection and 22% received it humanitarian status. Compared to 2022, the number of refugee statuses granted increased by 3% and subsidiary protection increased by 20%, while humanitarian status decreased by 3%.

The highest number of people granted protection status was reported by Germany (151,505, 37% of the EU total), ahead of France (55,220, 13%) e Spain (52,950, 13%). Together, these 3 countries granted 63% of all protection statuses at EU level.

In 2023, the majority of beneficiaries of protected status in the EU were Syrians (32% of the total number of people granted protection status in the EU). They follow Afghans (18%) ei Venezuelans (10%).

In 2023, 674,125 were adopted in the EU first instance decisions on asylum applications and another 191,530 final decisions following a appeal or a review. First-instance decisions resulted in 358,235 people being granted protection status, while a further 51,250 people were granted protection status after an appeal or review.
