EU, Draghi: “The economy has weakened, roadmaps with priorities are needed”

EU Draghi The economy has weakened roadmaps with priorities are

(Finance) – The European economy has recorded a progressive weakening, losing momentum and ceding centrality in supply chains, to the benefit of other countries such as the United States and China. The war in Ukraine has only confirmed the fragility of the Old Continent, not only from an economic point of view but also in terms of a geopolitical model. It follows the need to define a broad and detailed roadmap, which clearly identifies priorities, lines of action and policies to be implemented in the different sectors. This, in summary, is the message launched today byformer president of the ECB, Mario Draghi, during themeeting with the college of EU Commissioners.

At the opening of today’s meeting with the European Commissioners, Draghi – according to what we understand – proposed a brief overview of the dynamics that have determined the current scenarios and prospects for European competitiveness. “Starting from 2016 – he observed Dragons – we have witnessed a series of new and relevant facts for Europe in the most diverse fields, from the election of Donald Trump to the forceful appearance of the green transition on the agenda of governments and organisations, up to the advent, much faster than expected, of artificial intelligence”.

At the center of the meeting was competitiveness issue European Union on which Draghi is preparing a report on behalf of the President of the European Commission Ursula Von der Leyen: “It will be as open an exercise as possible: open to listening to all relevant stakeholders, open to the contributions of all those who are interested in making them, open to the search for incisive and ambitious solutions” said Draghi. The identification of these paths, Draghi further explained, proposing an approach dear to him, can only be based on an accurate analysis of the data.

“Thank you, dear Mario Draghi for today’s excellent exchange with the college on the competitiveness of the European Union – he wrote on his profile von der Leyen, after the meeting with the former president of the ECB –. We discussed the many challenges and their political dimensions. I look forward to your report to help advance the debate on how to strengthen the EU economy.”
