EU countries are urged to introduce testing requirements for travelers from China

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The EU’s crisis management mechanism IPCR “strongly urges” EU member states to covid-test incoming travelers from China, according to a statement from Wednesday’s meeting.

Several countries have already introduced requirements for negative tests for travelers from China.

The statement from the IPCR is advisory and not legally binding, and was drawn up by experts from EU member states on Wednesday.

During the meeting, it was also agreed to “recommend” that travelers to and from China should wear face masks, writes the Swedish EU presidency in the statement. Member countries also agree to provide health and hygiene advice to both passengers and staff at airports and aircraft.

The spread of infection in China has increased, and as the country now eases its own travel restrictions, there is growing concern that new virus variants will spread. Several countries have or will introduce requirements for negative covid tests, including the UK, France, Israel, USA, Spain, Italy, Japan and South Korea.

That the EU agrees on possible entry rules is decisive for the effect. Sara Byfors, head of unit at the Public Health Agency, said on Tuesday that it does not make sense if only Sweden faces requirements for negative tests.

However, the EU’s infection control authority ECDC writes on its website that the variants circulating in China are already present in the EU and are not critical for the residents here.

In the player above: Virus researcher Ali Mirazimi about the announcement.
