EU-China, Huawei’s reply to Commissioner Breton’s statements on 5G

EU China Huaweis reply to Commissioner Bretons statements on 5G

(Finance) – “Huawei strongly opposes and disagrees with the comments made by representatives of the European Commission. It is evident that these are not based on verified, transparent, objective and technical assessments of networks 5G“. This is what we read in a note from the Chinese telecommunications giant in response to the statements of the Commissioner Breton about the risks of using technologies Huawei And zte with consequent recommendations to exclude them.

“At the same time, Huawei understands the worry of the European Commission to protect cyber security within the EU. However, the note continues, restrictions or exclusions based on discriminatory judgments will carry serious economic and social risks, hinder innovation and lead to distortions in the EU market. For example, a report by Oxford Economics suggests that excluding Huawei could lead to higher prices investment costs in 5G up to tens of billions of euros, and European consumers will pay for them”.

“Publicly identify a single entity as “HRV extension” (High Risk Vendor) without a legal basis it is an action contrary to the principles of free trade. It is of paramount importance to point out that the assessment discriminatory of the “HRV” must not be applied to any company without a justified procedure and aadequate hearing. As an economic operator in the European Union, Huawei enjoys procedural and substantive rights, and should be protected by the laws of the EU and its member states, as well as their international commitments,” Huawei stresses.

“There safety informatics is Huawei’s top priority. Our company has a Cyber ​​Security Transparency Centre in Brussels. This center is open to customers and independent testing organizations. These organizations are encouraged to conduct fair, objective, and independent security testing and audits in accordance with industry-recognized information security standards and best practices. We remain committed to providing certified and reliable products and services globally, capable of connecting millions of Europeans”, concludes the Chinese company.
