EU ban on burning in the garden – waste must be sorted

As of 2024, it is forbidden to burn garden waste in the garden.
It is a part of the new EU law that many do not know – and which has raised questions.
– It is clear that there are certainly those who are not completely satisfied with these rules, says
Milla Sundström, manager at the waste and chemicals unit at the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.

Something that many garden owners have had as a habit during the spring clearing is now prohibited. An EU law that came into force at the turn of the year requires that all food and organic waste be sorted separately.

– Then there will be an indirect effect that it may not be burned either, says Milla Sundström, manager at the waste and chemicals unit at the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.

May differ between municipalities

The ban will be controlled by the municipalities. According to Milla Sundström, it may look different in each municipality, but points out that there were differences even before. Among other things in the form of fire weeks and bans in certain areas.

And the questions have flowed in to the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. But according to them, it is up to each individual municipality to decide what applies.

– We guide the municipalities and then the residents can contact their municipality with their questions, says Milla Sundström.

But the new law has created both questions and dissatisfaction.

– It is clear that there are certainly those who are not completely satisfied with these rules. You may think that you have always lit a fire and now all of a sudden you are not allowed to do it.

Concerns about May bonfires

Certain conditions for the waste regulation will have to be met. But there may be economic or environmental reasons which mean that there is room for exceptions in the various municipalities.

– One reason could be that it is very far to the nearest recycling centre. That one then decides that it costs more than it tastes to transport the waste and therefore chooses to allow incineration. But the municipality must make that assessment.

With less than a month left, many have also asked themselves the big question: What will happen to the May bonfires?

– It is a question we get a lot, if it means that you are not allowed to have May bonfires anymore. But there is an opportunity to have it, says Milla Sundström.
