Ethics and business, Ethos festival kicks off: from big data to ESG

Ethics and business Ethos festival kicks off from big data

(Finance) – Corporate social responsibility, inclusion in the world of work, philanthropy, energy, ethics and finance, attention to merit and sustainability: these and many other themes are at the center of the ETHOS Public Ethics Festival which opened this morning and will continue until Sunday 8 October, at the Auditorium Parco della Musica Ennio Morricone. Organized by Ethos, the Public Ethics Observatory of the Luiss Business School, together with the Musica per Roma Foundation, the second edition of the festival is a reflection on the delicate relationship between ethics and business.

A theme that, as he explained Sebastiano Maffettone, philosopher and Director of Ethos, “is not only relevant for shareholders, but also for citizens and society as a whole. For ethical business to be possible and to produce real changes, consumers must also do their part, encouraging corporate and production choices that go in this direction. It is a common bet: each of us must move, it is not just an institutional and legal issue as is often believed.” The professor, after underlining how the festival is only the final moment of a year-long dialogue with Ethos Luiss Business School, brought attention to the “young people of Young Ethos, the spin-off of the Observatory led by the young people of ‘University, who are in turn protagonists of the Festival with panels whose common thread is the new generations”.

“With the title of this second edition “Be New Be Now” we want to underline the urgent desire of companies to renew themselves now and their ability to be a social subject, an intermediary for the development of relationships, relations and governance methods. The ETHOS festival – continued Pittèri – is part of a broad framework of cultural events that, as a Foundation, we offer to the territory, convinced that training and dissemination are also done in this way, both through meetings with professionals and experts, and with lighter moments of show and story, which are also present in this edition with the two shows “Companies Talks – The History of Whatsapp” and “What am I doing here” curated by Domenico Iannacone”, underlines Daniele Pitteri, CEO of the Musica per Roma Foundation.

The festival – the note concludes – “has given space to the rethinking of modern work, to philanthropy, to data management, to gender issues. In the next two days, meetings dedicated to ESG objectives, international and transcultural perspectives, diversity & inclusion challenges, innovation and much more”.
