Ethereum support for Twitter Tipping feature, which is also available in Turkey

Ethereum support for Twitter Tipping feature which is also available

Character-limited platform of social media twitterthe “Tip” system, which it has activated in Turkey in the past months, is developing.

Twitter Tip now in infrastructure ethereum includes support. In this way, people are now following the people they follow in supported regions via intermediary services besides bitcoin (it will be activated for everyone soon). You can also tip as ethereum.. of the firm tip system Here is its definition for: “Tips is a feature that allows you to add links for certain third-party payment services to your Twitter profile. When you turn on Tips in your profile, users are able to send you money or Bitcoin from outside the platform via third-party payment services and platforms that you have added. tips They can support you by tapping your icon.”

“To support, thank, assist or reward any user you want, from aspiring creators and journalists to Twitter Chat Rooms admins and many others. you can tip

Alright twitter How to send a tip to someone? In this regard, the statement from the company is as follows: “Tips You can tip users who have turned on this feature and added their username to third-party payment processors using the icon. Tips feature on the main Twitter profile in apps. tips You can find it under the icon.

Tap this icon to submit a tip and we’ll direct you to the app or website of your chosen third-party payment service outside of the Twitter platform. Your tips and your activities on this service are subject to the terms of the third-party payment service.”

The platform, which closely follows new technologies, made a splash last month with its NFT profile picture infrastructure.
