“Eternal Herson” returns to Ukraine – Russia is giving up its greatest military achievement

EPN in Eastern Ukraine People are very worried This will

The rumors that have been circulating for weeks are turning out to be true. Russia wants to withdraw its troops from Kherson to the east of the Dnieper. At least that’s what it says.

Russia’s offensive in Ukraine is taking a significant turn. The important Black Sea port city of Kherson did not become an “eternal Russian city”, as Moscow grandly announced when it illegally annexed it.

Russia said yesterday, Wednesday, that it will move its soldiers from Kherson to the opposite bank of the Dnieper River, further away from Ukraine’s attacks. The next few days will decide what really happens in the city.

– Withdrawal can take days or weeks. It largely depends on how actively Ukraine hits their necks, the military professor at the National Defense University (MPKK) Aki-Mauri Huhtinen says.

Crossing the Dnieper will be difficult in any case. It is in Kherson approximately 30,000 Russian soldiers (you transfer to another service), who have only one intact bridge at their disposal, the narrow pathos bridge of Kahovka. The Antonivka road and railway bridges have been bombed by Ukraine to make them unusable.

The Dnieper River complicates the attack

For weeks now, Russia has been building new defense lines on the east side of the Dnieper. If it is difficult for the Russians to move troops, the same applies to Ukraine, if it wants to attack the Russians’ new positions in the future.

– In Kherson, Russia has had difficulties with its own service connections. By withdrawing, they are probably trying to ensure that they can defend themselves against Ukraine, Huhtinen estimates.

The military professor is not enthusiastic about the idea that Russia would try to organize some kind of trap for the Ukrainians in Kherson. Moscow announced the withdrawal so spectacularly that a different twist would be a surprise.

On the other hand, Russia has been spreading its false propaganda throughout the war.

– Of course, there is a possibility that there will be a delay and a fight in Hersonis, but I consider this very unlikely, MPKK’s military professor Huhtinen says.

One reservation in war must still be left.

– The battle for Kherson is not over until it is actually over.

More on the topic:

Russian Defense Minister: Russia withdraws its troops from Kherson – Ukraine is suspicious

International agreements prohibit warfare over drinking water, but Russia ignores them, says the assistant professor

Propaganda stunt or massive evacuation? Kherson’s pro-Russian leadership is emptying the city of residents
