Estrella’s change – is noticed in the chip shelf already

Estrellas change is noticed in the chip shelf already

Estrella’s snack packaging will undergo a change. In fact, you can already see the change in the chip shelf.

Estrella has produced snacks of various kinds for several decades and in their range there are everything from chips – for example west coast chips, lens chips and sombreros – to nuts, popcorn and finished dipping mix of various kinds.

Now the snack giant announces that a change is going on.

Photo: Simon Rehnström/SvD/TT

So Estrella changes its packaging

Estrella and its owners Intersnack have decided to change their packaging as part of the work to reduce the company’s climate impact.

More specifically, you will reduce the color of the back of the packaging. This will contribute to “a higher quality when recycling the plastic material”.

“The development of new design is part of our packaging promise. Since 2014, we have reduced the plastic by 14 percent and are now making further improvements to reduce the climate imprint of the package. Through the new design we will reduce the total color by up to 40 percent compared to previous design,” writes in a press release.

Already, Estrella’s “Dillskrew” and “West Coast Chip’s truffle & sea salt” have received the new packaging design and in the future more products in the range will change appearance.

Estrella’s packaging should be able to be “pledged”

At the same time as the packaging design is changing, Estrella also launches a collaboration with Bower, which will allow consumers to order the Snacks giant’s packaging, in exchange for points that can be used for coupons or which can be donated to charity.
