Estonia gets new government, Kaja Kallas continues as prime minister – conservative Fatherland gets to the heart of power by embarking on the journey of liberals

Estonia gets new government Kaja Kallas continues as prime minister

In addition to the Liberal Reform Party, the Fatherland and the Social Democrats are coming to the new government. Their common concerns are external and internal security and the livelihood of citizens.

In the situation that arose, the Fatherland was in practice allowed to determine the composition of the new government. It was attracted to both the Reform Party and the Center.

The decision of the homeland was influenced by a controversial experience

Patriotic President Helir-Valdor Seeder justified the decision to leave the Reform Party government with the need to influence the affairs of the kingdom.

He acknowledged that the decision was also influenced by the atmosphere of the previous government.

President of the Center Jüri Ratas as Prime Minister, had to constantly explain what Ekre’s leaders were saying. Eventually, Ratas disbanded the government in January 2021.

Prime Minister Kallas called for a difficult government

According to Prime Minister Kaja Kallas, the most important topics in the government negotiations are probably security policy, the livelihood of citizens and the abandonment of teaching in Russian.

– High inflation combined with a slowdown in economic growth, the energy crisis and (Ukrainian) war refugees. These are problems for which there are no easy solutions, he noted.

The Ekre party in particular has repeatedly called for an end to the reception of Ukrainian refugees.

Child benefits are becoming a twist

Child benefits are likely to be the most difficult issue for the future government. The controversy over raising them caused a final break between the Reform Party and the center.

The fatherland was involved in drafting a joint bill between the center and the opposition to increase child benefits, which was opposed by the Reform Party.

According to Helir-Valdor Seeder, the party does not intend to retreat on the issue of child support.

– We want the bill to be approved as it stands, Seeder said at a press conference on Saturday.

The bill would increase the child allowance for a family with two children to € 100 per child. However, children in a family with three would be paid € 333 per child.
