ESO steals fan art from small artist

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A fan of The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) shared his art online only to find it in the MMORPG’s shop without him knowing it. Now the developers apologize.

In 2020, artist Relan Daevath shared 3 images on Tumblr that he created himself. They show various gods from the lore of the MMORPG in tattoo style. Vivec, Sotha Sil and Almalexia.

Now, 3 years later, the artist suddenly sees his work in an announcement for ESO’s real money store. They call it “Mercymother’s Body Art” and sell it as a skin for 1,000 kroner, about €10.

However, Relan Daevath had to find out for himself, because the developers ZeniMax had neither informed him nor given his name. “Hello, this is my art but I wasn’t even mentioned?” the artist wrote on Twitter. He also shares his feelings on the subject on Tumblr.

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Developers contact the artist

Relan Daevath finds a lot of support within the community. He’s a small artist himself without a huge reach, but his cause reached ZeniMax through Twitter, Tumblr, and even Reddit.

In a Reddit post, the discussion once again reached a large number of people with 6,300 upvotes. Here, too, people side with the artist.

A tweet followed yesterday in which Relan Daevath said that the developers had contacted him. Supposedly they’re looking at the issue right now and will get back to him with an update as soon as they can. “Okay, let’s wait,” writes the artist.

He also thanks for all the support he is currently receiving. “Elder Scrolls has a brilliant community,” he tweeted.

It is currently unclear how exactly the artist will be compensated. All we know is that the developers now realize they got caught. We will keep you informed about upcoming updates.

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