The MMORPG The Elder Scrolls Online has received a lot of updates in the meantime. Up until 2022 and now in Update 36, new craftable item sets have been added all the time. We at MeinMMO show you where you can find the associated crafting stations.
In ESO, item sets (weapon, equipment, and jewelry sets) are classified based on where they are found or whether they are craftable. The categories are:
In this article, we’ll take a look at all of the craftable sets in and out of Tamriel.
Craftable sets with areas and number of properties
Of course, in order to be able to craft a part of an equipment set, you have to know the desired property yourself. On the other hand, the production also requires a minimum number of already analyzed properties. We have created an overview of all sets up to Update 36 Firesong for you:
Alik’r Desert
Malabal Gate5Ancient DragonguardSouthern Elsweyr6Old Growth BrewerGalen3Dragon’s AppetiteWestern Skyrim7AshgraspStonefalls
Auridon2Assassin’s ListVvardenfell3Aetheric AscensionReic
black range:
Arkthzand Cavern9Eyes of MaraAugvea
(Mages Guild)8 Gaze of the Night MotherRift
Schnittermark6Daedrische GaunereiVvardenfell8DoppelsternKargstein9DruidenflechteHochinsel7EisenfläschchenFerngrab5ElendsvitalitätDie Totenländer3Entfesselter AggressorCyrodiil (Bruma)3Erbe des KarthReik6ErinnerungKalthafen8Ewige JagdHews Fluch9FeuertaufeWorthgar3Furchtloser KombattantCyrodiil (Erntefurt)3Gesetz von JulianosWrothgar6Gladiator von KvatchGoldküste5GrabpflocksammlerTrübmoor7HerzlanderobererDunkelforst7HistflüstererDunkelforst3HistrindeSchattenfenn
Greenshade4Hunding’s WrathRift
Reaper’s Mark6Kagrenac’s HopeEarthforge
(Warriors Guild)8Coldharbour’s MinionNorthern Elsweyr8Core AxionClockwork City2Chain SmasherVvardenfell6Claw of the Forest WraithGalen3Spatty VisageArtaeum6Critical CounterCyrodiil (Vlastarus)3Bold CorsairSouthern Elsweyr3Kiss of the VampireEastmarch
Alik’r Desert
Malabal Tor5Lamae’s SongEast March
Alik’r Desert
Malabal Gate5Might of the Lost LegionMurkmire4Magic ParasiteWestern Skyrim:
Blackreach3Magnus GiftShadowfen
Greenshade4Mechanical SightClockwork City6Brass PlateClockwork City4MorkuldinWrothgar9Courage of the Senche-RahtNorthern Elsweyr5NagashamanMuddymoor2Nocturnal’s FavorSummerset9Orgnum’s ScalesEarthforge
(Warrior’s Guild)8Pelinal’s WrathGold Coast9Armor of SeductionDeshaan
Grahtwald3Armor MasterImperial City9Scheme EyeColdharbor8Sly AlchemistHew’s Curse7Shalidor’s CurseAugvea
(Mages Guild)8Victory of the DiamondDark Forest5Silent of the NightStonefalls
Auridon2Stuhn’s FavorWestern Skyrim5Tava’s FavorHew’s Curse5DeathwindStonefalls
Auridon2Torug’s PactDeshaan
Grahtwood3Deadland DemolishersThe Deadlands7Redistribution Imperial City7Varen’s LegacyGold Coast7Vastary’s GuardianshipNorthern Elsweyr3Scorn of the SerpentHigh Island5Skilled RiderSummerset3Way of the ArenaCragstone8Willow PathRift
Reaper’s March6Whiteplank’s VengeanceShadow Fen
Greenshade4Rage of the OrderHigh Island3Rage of the Red EagleReik3Rebuke of the ChimeraGalen3Twilight KissGrahtwald3
Augvea (Mages Guild) and the Earthforge (Warriors Guild)
These crafting stations are a bit more complicated to reach. You have to enter these places via a portal in the respective guild. Visit the Mages Guild or the Fighters Guild in the region capitals, there you will find a portal.
Important requirement: You must have completed the Mages Guild and Fighters Guild quest lines to even reach the Augvea location and the Earthforge.
You’re guaranteed to find a portal to the Earthforge here
Here you are guaranteed to find a portal to Augvea
Acquire adjustable set banks for your home
Alternatively, you can also place all crafting stations in your home. To do this, you must purchase Adjustable Crafting Stations from the Writ Voucher Vendor, which you can find in each alliance’s capital city. You receive Writ Vouchers as a reward for crafting Master Writs.
If you’ve just landed in Tamriel, feel free to ask in the community or zone chat. Many helpful players own each crafting station and allow you to use them as well.
I hope this overview helps you in the next round of crafting Master Writs. For an overview of all events, please visit our ESO event ticker. We will continue to update this in the coming year, so that you are always up to date.