ESM and Stability Pact, Meloni freezes Brussels: here’s what he said

Meloni on an official visit to Ethiopia in October we

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – “The Mes is a topic that it would be stupid to open up now, for two reasons: the first is that I haven’t changed my mind about the Mes, but it is one part of a series of tools that need to be discussed as a whole. It makes no sense to ratify its reform if you don’t know what the new stability and growth pact foresees”. So the Prime Minister Melons at the ‘Forum in Masseria’ from Vespa, at the third edition of the L’Italia chevenire series of forums which said it was “not convinced by the Commission’s proposal for reform” of the Stability and Growth Pact.

“The Mes – he said again – it is a stigma that now threatens to keep blocked of resources at a time when instead we are all looking for resources: then it would not be used by anyone”. “I hope that this issue will be tackled in a pragmatic way and not, as in Italy, in an ideological way. Ratifying the reform without understanding the mechanism that follows would be stupid”.

We try to free up resources to put them where they are needed: in Italy there is a problem of wages, the goal is to make the cut of the wedge structural, it depends on state revenues, which depend on growth”.

The Premier also addressed some topics concerning the growth of our country. “THEThe most important data is the Italian GDP growing above the European average. The government has to give its signals, the economy responds and is doing so, but it’s not a flash in the pan. Italy has just reached an all-time record for the number of employees and stable contracts, e everything is driven by female employment”.

A passage also on the theme of violence. “On the occasion of the International Day against Violence against Women, I would like to bring the victims or relatives of the victims to tell their story in schools. Nothing is more educational,” Meloni underlined. “The great challenge is the culture: I hope that in the parliamentary passage of our norms against feminicide there will be a terrain for finding a transversal agreement. I am very willing to work together and meet those who work there, not just women”.
