ESI, order worth 12.3 million euros for a photovoltaic plant in Lazio

ESI order worth 123 million euros for a photovoltaic plant

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – WELL YESa company listed on Euronext Growth Milan and active in the renewable energy market, won the tender “design and construction for works of a new photovoltaic power plant” In the Lazio of the power of 52 MWp, announced by a leading European utility.

The award of the tender remains conditional on the signing of the Construction Contract, and is subject to the following conditions precedent: definition of the contractual conditions, signing of the contract, communication to ESI of the Notice to Proceed by the utility, reads a note. L’amount of the order, equal to approx 12.3 million euroswill pertain to the following twelve months starting from the Notice to Proceed by the utility, expected by October 30, 2023.

“The award of this tender has a double strategic value: the confirmation of ESI’s market positioning and its visibility also at an international level through the awarding of European tenders – commented theCEO Riccardo Di Pietrogiacomo – the second, of a technological nature, concerns the size of the new plant which will allow ESI to consolidate a track-record for future utility-scale plants”.

“ESI has once again demonstrated that it has the technological means to meet the needs coming from the market and of knowing how to innovate – he added – We are confident in the ability and potential of our organization and our team and we are certain that we will also be able to benefit in the future from the positive developments expected in the increasingly challenging markets in which we operate. We are committed to creating the conditions for sustainable and far-reaching growth”.

(Photo: American Public Power Association on Unsplash)
