Erredue, useful 2024 drops to 2.7 million euros. Backlog in clear growth

Erredue useful 2024 drops to 27 million euros Backlog in

(Finance) – Erreduea company listed on Euronext Growth Milan and activates in the field of electrolysis for the generation of clean hydrogen, closed the 2024 with Sales and performance revenues equal to 15.9 million euros, with a slight drop of 3.7% compared to 16.5 million achieved at 31 December 2023. The reduction of turnover is due to a significant slowdown in the internal demand recorded on the traditional sectors, consisting of the market of on-site generators at the service of industrial activities. In the hydrogen segment there was a growth of 26% compared to 2023, thanks to the sales of hydrogen systems related to the energy transition, intended for the national and European market.

THE’Ebitda It stands at 5.1 million euros, slightly decreasing compared to the same period of the previous year (5.9 million to 31 December 2023). THE’Ebitda margin it stands at 32.0% against 35.7% of 31 December 2023. TheNet profit It is positive for 2.7 million euros, compared to 3.4 million to 31 December 2023.

There Net financial position It highlights a positive case for 17.3 million euros, compared to a positive case for 16.3 million to 31 December 2023. This improvement is mainly determined by the difference between the financing lit to cover the current investment and their deposit waiting to be used. Liquid availability for 13.6 million euros are highlighted compared to 4.7 million to 31 December 2023.

“The results of 2024 confirm the solidity of our business model and our ability to grow even in a complex market context – they commented Enrico D’Angelo, founder and CEO, and Francesca Barontini, CEO DI ERREDUE – The thrust of the energy transition has driven the sales of hydrogen systems, allowing us to keep revenues substantially in line with last year and record a 26% increase in this strategic segment. In addition, the significant increase in orders and backlog strengthens our growth prospects for 2025. The company’s patrimonial solidity, combined with a consolidated experience of over forty years in the sector, represents a distinctive element that allows us to offer a strategic contribution of important and to guarantee our reference partners the contribution of a constant added value. The track record of our products is the concrete testimony of the quality and innovation that characterize our solutions, thanks to a solid financial structure. We look with confidence in the challenges and opportunities of a sector, such as the one in which we operate, in constant evolution “.

At 31 December 2024 the company has a backlog Total for about 22.5 million euros, in clear growth compared to 2023, of which about 80% referring to the year 2025, deriving from around 15.9 million euros for sales of generators, approximately 6.6 million euros in spare parts, maintenance and rental interventions relating to the year 2025 only, confirming the significant growth expected for the 2025 exercise.

Proposed a dividend of 0.160 euros per share. The date detachment Cedola (n.1) is scheduled for May 26, 2025, record-Date on May 27, 2025 and payment on May 28, 2025. The Yield dividend is equal to 1.95% compared to the last closing price € 8.20, while the payout ratio is 36.96%.

The Board of Directors has appointed Eliana sticker Which Investor Relations Officereffectively from April 1, 2025. Eliana Bollino will take over from Francesca Barontini, who will continue to play the role of CEO.
