Erna Solberg on her husband’s affairs: “Hurt me”

Norwegian media have now published a list of over 3,600 stock deals – an average of more than one every day Solberg was right-wing prime minister from 2013-2021. In total, Finnes has earned upwards of SEK 2 million from the trade.

– It hurts me to be as hard on Sindre as I am today, Solberg said when she had called a press conference on Friday.

All deals were done in secret. Neither the wife nor her staff were told anything.

– He has conducted extensive short-term stock trading, despite knowing that he did not get.

Not sure

As far as Solberg knows, Finnes had no advantages in trade due to his wife being the country’s leader. But she admits she can’t be sure.

– With the knowledge I have now, I can’t think of anything to indicate that he had inside information, she says.

On the other hand, the trade means that Solberg now sees herself in retrospect as a badass in certain government decisions she made.

– This is serious because it means that I was inappropriate in certain matters I dealt with as prime minister.

“Broken trust”

She does not hide her disappointment and outrage.

– The list (of deals) shows that Sindre has not been honest with me, neither when I was prime minister nor when I confronted him when the press started asking questions.

– Broken trust is always difficult, and it is especially difficult within a family and in a marriage.

The scandal once again shines a light on questions about gay sex in Norway. Even the new left-wing government under Jonas Gahr Støre has been forced to deal with such deals. For example, Anette Trettebergstuen resigned as culture minister in June, after it emerged that she had given a friend a fancy opera job.
