Ericsson lays off fewer jobs than announced

Norlander believes that the method with notice creates uncertainty about future cuts.

During Monday, the managers at Ericsson will find out how large the redundancies will be at their local workplaces, and tomorrow the employees will be given the information.

According to Per Norlander, the company and the union do not agree, but have nevertheless reached a solution. Per Norlander does not want to specify today exactly how many and within which parts the layoffs will take place because it could be sensitive to Ericsson’s business. But he confirms that there will be fewer than the 1,200 that have been notified who are ultimately dismissed.

Kista and Gothenburg

According to the engineering union, the places that will be hit the hardest in terms of the number of layoffs are Ericsson’s largest workplace in Kista, in Norra Stockholm, and Gothenburg.

Per Norlander believes that the redundancies are done both with a “cheese grater” and a “cake shovel”, i.e. some businesses disappear and others shrink.

SVT has contacted Ericsson for a comment but has not received a reply.
