Erica in Lyxfällan burns 100,000 a year on snuff and eating out

The assistant nurse Erica’s finances are at rock bottom, and she often runs out of money when there are several weeks left until the next paycheck. Sometimes it has gone so far that Erica even refuses to even open the bills and payment reminders. Now she worries that she will have to sell everything in her possession.

Erica in Lyxfällan borrows money from family and friends

Mother Inga-Lill explains that Erica has always had a hard time managing money. But now the family and friends have had enough. The sister Eva has tired of lending money and has now reported his sister to Lyxfällan.

– I will not help her. She is a grown woman. Now she has to deal with this herself, says Inga-Lill.

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Mother Inga-Lill and sister Ewa have put their foot down. Photo: TV3/LyxfällanErica suffers from the disease fibromyalgia

Erica suffers from the chronic disease fibromyalgia, and thus suffers from chronic pain, especially in her back. She has therefore had to stay home from work for long periods, which has affected her finances a lot. At the same time, she dreams of going abroad with her children – something she cannot afford today.

– It becomes extra clear now that I actually don’t know where the money goes. They just disappear, it feels like that. I have no control, says Erica.

The Lyxfällan presenter Magnus Hedberg goes to Erica in Piteå, to help her get a better handle on the finances.

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Magnus Hedberg: “What kind of family relationship is this?”

Neither mother Inga-Lill nor sister Ewa have any idea how much money they lent, while Erica has had no plan to pay it back. This is something that upsets Magnus Hedberg.

– What kind of family relationship is this? It seems that you are some kind of family bank that you take advantage of, says Hedberg.

“What kind of family relationship is this?” Hedberg asks. Photo: TV3/Lyxfällan

With an income of SEK 14,000 a month, after tax, Erica has a lifestyle that she can’t really afford at all.

Under the other category on the budget table, costs for everything from snuff to shopping at low-price department stores, but also more necessary expenses such as mobile phone charges and unemployment insurance. In total, this category lands at SEK 4,700 a month, while the cost of the loans is SEK 6,500. This means that Erica goes back SEK 7,700 every month.

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Erica spends more money than she can afford. Photo: TV3/LyxfällanLyxfällan participant spends 100,000 a year on luxury consumption

Every month, Erica spends a lot of money on things like eating out, snuff, candy, streaming services, the car, and shopping. When Magnus Hedberg calculates what Erica spends in total on luxury consumption, it turns out that it costs SEK 99,636 every year. Her total debt is SEK 323,809, and now Erica needs to change course.

Erica spends a lot of money on, among other things, snuff and eating out. Photo: TV3/Lyxfällan

Want to know how Erica is doing? Lyxfällen is broadcast on TV3 and Viaplay at 20:00 on Tuesdays.
