Éric Zemmour will be a candidate in the Var

Eric Zemmour will be a candidate in the Var

He hesitated for a long time, but Éric Zemmour will be a candidate for the legislative elections next June in France. He announced it on the social network Twitter. The former pretender to the Élysée is launching in the department of Var, in the South-East. His chances are slim.

Paris ? Saint Tropez ? Not showing up at all? Éric Zemmour finally chose to run for the legislative elections, and this on the Mediterranean coast, a region where he made his biggest meetings during the presidential campaign.

The unfortunate candidate of Reconquest! launches into the 4th constituency of the Var, reports Julien Chavanne, from the political service of RFI. It includes, among other cantons, that of Saint-Tropez in particular.

Mr. Zemmour obtained in this constituency 14.7% of the votes in the first round, last April, against 32.2% for Marine Le Pen and 24.1% for Emmanuel Macron. He won 22.4% of the votes cast in Saint-Tropez, one of his best scores.

After announcing the news of his participation in the legislative elections on Twitter, the candidate then justified his choice in the columns of the newspaper Var Morning.

A first meeting was then scheduled for Thursday, May 12 at the end of the day in the seaside resort of Cogolin, after weeks of uncertainty regarding these legislative elections.

Indeed, Eric Zemmour hesitated a lot before launching the elections. His 7% in the presidential election and the absence of an agreement with the National Rally leave him with little chance of winning seats for his party in the National Assembly.

His campaign in the Var promises to be difficult, given the results recorded on the spot in April. Mr. Zemmour will notably face the outgoing walking deputy, Sereine Mauborgne, and a competitor of the RN, therefore, Philippe Lottiaux.

►To re-read: Zemmour, towards a crash in the legislative elections?

The main thing for the ex-polemicist is above all to show that the political fight continues for Reconquest!, and that his presidential adventure was not just a lap.

Pétain protector of French Jews: Zemmour released on appeal

Éric Zemmour saw his release confirmed on appeal this Thursday in Paris. He was prosecuted for “disputing a crime against humanity”, after having maintained that Marshal Pétain, during the Second World War and the Occupation, had ” Safe of French Jews.

The Paris Court of Appeal confirms the judgment entered (in the first instance) both on the public action and on the civil action “. If his remarks, in October 2019, “ can offend the families of deportees “, they ” are not intended to contest or diminish, even marginally, the number of victims of deportation or the policy of extermination in the concentration camps said the court.

And the latter to recall that Marshal Philippe Pétain had not been prosecuted ” for one or more crimes against humanity “, during his trial at the Liberation. A lawyer for one of the civil party associations, SOS racism, has announced an appeal in cassation.

At 63, Éric Zemmour has been sued fifteen times for some of his remarks. In particular for racial insult, incitement to hatred or contestation of crimes against humanity. Following statements made between 2010 and 2016, he was definitively sentenced twice for “incitement to hatred”.

Read also Controversy over Vichy and the role of Pétain: the untruths of Éric Zemmour

With agencies
