Eric Ciotti excluded from the Les Républicains party after another day of crisis for the French right

Eric Ciotti excluded from the Les Republicains party after another

The Les Républicains (LR) party, the main party of the traditional right in France, decided on Wednesday June 12 to exclude its leader. Éric Ciotti had triggered an internal crisis the day before by proposing an unprecedented alliance with the far right of the National Rally in view of the anticipated legislative elections. He refused this sanction which he considers “ illegal “.

4 mins

I am not proud of the image that politics has brought over the last few days,” declared Laurent Wauquiez at the end of an incredible day for the French right. This Wednesday, it is a soap opera with twists and turns which played out in the 7th arrondissement of Paris, near the headquarters of the Les Républicains (LR) party.

The tenors of the Gaullist right-wing party, who are all opposed to an alliance with the far-right National Rally party (RN), convened a political office without the approval of President Éric Ciotti. During this meeting, the executives present voted unanimously to exclude the president of the party, the general secretary Annie Genevard denouncing his position “ in total break with the statutes and the line supported by Les Républicains “.

This political office also decided on an interim presidency ensured by Annie Genevard and the number 2 of the party, François Xavier Bellamy, recently re-elected to the European Parliament.

LR general secretary Annie Génevard announces the exclusion of Eric Ciotti

Amélie Beaucour

Read alsoÉric Ciotti’s proposed alliance between the right and the far right in France: “A barrier has just been crossed”

It’s surreal »

If this political bureau meeting was held in a location close to the party HQ, it is quite simply because Éric Ciotti, who refuses to give up his place, had the party premises closed at midday. Thus, he was locked inside with two other elected officials precisely to prevent this meeting from taking place.

This situation gave rise to scenes “ surreal » of LR tenors succeeding one another in front of the closed doors of the building and multiplying the reprimands against Mr. Ciotti. All the party executives on site had very harsh words against Eric Ciotti, describing him in particular as “ traitor “. “ There is no place for traitors and Putsch-like coups », had already assured the former LR presidential candidate Valérie Pécresse just before the launch of hostilities. “ It’s personal political suicide », Launched MP Yannick Neuder to AFP. “ We are not leading an individual adventure, it is contrary to the family spirit », added his colleague Xavier Breton, already campaigning in Ain.

When we do politics, we does not respond with agreements, coalitions, small agreements made on the sly to negotiate constituencies. We do it by defending our beliefs », Launched Laurent Wauquiez, legislative candidate and potential right-wing option for the 2027 presidential election. Éric Ciotti was also accused by the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron for having signed “ a devil’s pact “.

Éric Ciotti judges the decision “ illegal »

But the matter does not end there. The newly dismissed president contested the decision of this political office in a press release. According to him, the latter would have held himself in violation of the party’s statutes. “ I am and remain the president of our political party, elected by the members”Eric Ciotti immediately replied on X, judging this decision “ illegal » and posing the threat of “ criminal consequences “.

No one has any illusions: the legal battle over the interpretation of LR’s statutes and regulations promises to be tough. “ It is totally irresponsible and murderous to initiate this debate 18 days before an election, when we have 60 incumbents who are playing their game in their constituency “, rails Senator LR Philippe Tabarot.

Read alsoLegislative elections in France: there will be no agreement between the National Rally and Reconquête!

There will be an LR candidate against Éric Ciotti in his constituency »

In any case one thing is certain, the right does not intend to join the union of the right so praised by Eric Ciotti. An investiture committee opened immediately after the political office during which a decision was taken: “ The Republicans will present candidates in all districts,” hammered the leader of the LR deputies Olivier Marleix. He also specified, as a sign of firmness, that there will be “ an LR candidate against Éric Ciotti in his constituency “.

Christelle D’Intorni, also in favor of the alliance with the National Rally, was also excluded, Olivier Marleix told AFP. The legality of this investiture commission is also contested by Mr. Ciotti.

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