Éric Chelle, the end of the adventure with the Eagles of Mali

Eric Chelle the end of the adventure with the Eagles

The Malian Federation announced on its social networks, it has ended its collaboration with Éric Chelle, coach of the Eagles since May 2022. The former player of Lens and Valenciennes leaves a generally positive assessment, but his mandate will remain marked by a spectacular failure at the last CAN.

2 mins

From Éric Sekou Chelle, coach of Mali, we will first remember a strong image: the former defender completely stunned, squatting, crying on the lawn of the Stade de Bouaké. A deputy splashes water on his head. Inside, things are boiling, questions are flying. How could his team have sabotaged itself to this extent? Lose this CAN quarter-final against Ivory Coastat 11 against 10 and leading the score until the last minute of regulation time?

Does he have the answers today? What does it matter, it’s too late. Something broke on February 3, 2024 and since this terrible failure, the Eagles have been struggling. Defeated at home by Ghana (1-2) then held in check by Madagascar at the beginning of June (0-0) when they played 75 minutes at 11 against 10, they are only fourth in the standings of their group in the qualifiers for the 2026 World Cup.

Call for resignation

One failure too many for a man under pressure constantly criticized by the local press. After the match against Ghana, a journalist who “ humbly asks to resign » is also applauded by some of his colleagues.

However, Eric Chelle’s results at the head of the Eagles remain positive. In two years in office, the former Lens player won 13 of his 21 matches on the bench. He will have ended the series of four CAN without reaching the quarters for the Eagles. All with a real gaming identity, young talents highlighted, like Kamory Doumbia, now symbol of a golden generation which is now looking for a new guide.
