ERG finalizes the acquisition of the Garnacha solar park in Spain

ESI BoD proposes capital increase for a maximum of 35

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – ERGa company listed on Euronext Milan and active in the production of electricity from renewable sources, ha completed the acquisition by IBV Solar Parks, a company of the German group ib vogt, del 100% Garnacha Solara company that owns a photovoltaic park located in the Castilla y León region, in northwestern Spain.

In line with what was already communicated at the beginning of May, the plant, currently in the final stage of construction, will have an installed capacity of 149 MWp with an expected entry into operation by the end of 2023. The operation will allow ERG to consolidate its presence in Spain.

(Photo: Zbynek Burival on Unsplash)
