Erdogan says no to Finland and Sweden joining NATO

Erdogan says no to Finland and Sweden joining NATO

(Finance) – The Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan rebels at the entrance of Finland and Sweden in NATO and issues an ultimatum to Alliance members. In fact, for the Turkish leader it would be a “mistake” similar to that ofentry of Greece in the Alliance. Erdogan admitted “we do not have a positive opinion” towards Sweden and Finland, accused of “hosting PKK terrorists”i.e. the Kurdistan Workers’ Party.

In the meantime, i mediation attemptsbut for the Kremlin spokesman Dmitri Peskov “there is no progress in drafting a possible document that Putin and Zelensky can sign “.” Russia – he added in response to Zelesky’s statements – is not opposed to a meeting between the two presidents but it is impossible to hold it without adequate preparation “.

This morning there was a telephone interview between the Russian president Vladimir Putin and the German Chancellor Olaf Scholzwhich they discussed above all evacuation of civilians from the Azovstal steel plant in Mariupol. Putin accused Kiev of having “blocked” the peace talks between Russia and Ukraine and denounced “heavy violations of international law by the Ukrainian neo-Nazis”.

“In their desire to strangle Russia, the Western powers are ready for anything, including resurrecting Nazism“, said the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations in Geneva.

Global security is under threat. Russia, a nuclear state and permanent member of the UN Security Council, is attacking the sovereign nation of Ukraine, making shameful and unacceptable references to the use of nuclear weapons “, commented the president of the European council. Charles Micheladding that this “is dangerously raising the stakes for the whole world”.
