Epsom salt: what is it, in foot bath, where to buy it?

Epsom salt what is it in foot bath where to

Epsom salt also called “epsomite” or “magnesium sulfate” has several health benefits. For pain, against constipation… but not only! List of benefits and how to use it safely.

Definition: what is Epsom salt?

Epsom salt, also called epsomite or magnesium sulfate “appears in the form of a crystalline white powder with bitter flavor consisting of 99% magnesium sulfate heptahydrate” informs Dr. Christine Cieur, Doctor of Pharmacy, trainer in phyto-aromatherapy. Epsom salt has been discovered in 1694. “It is found in solution in its natural state in the waters of the fountain of Epsom in England and in those of Sedlitz and Egra in Bohemia. It can also be obtained artificially from other compounds such as dolomite” says Dr. Cieur.

What are the benefits of Epsom salt?

Epsom salt has several activities, including two main ones, internally and externally: laxative, purgative internally And external muscle relaxant. “Oral use should only be done under medical supervision because magnesium sulfate is very laxative and can irritate alert the pharmacist.

What effects on constipation?

Taken internally (orally), magnesium sulfate has a purgative effect with a dose of 10 to 30g. “It is used to prepare the intestines before an X-ray when the intestines must be emptied” informs Dr. Christine Cieur. With a dose of 6-7g, magnesium sulfate has a laxative effect only. “At lower doses, it is recommended for cleaning and draining the gallbladder. It allows toeliminate gallstones explains the pharmacist. “This oral use should not be done without being accompanied by a health professional and it should not not happen frequently. To treat occasional constipation, ask your pharmacist for advice” she recommends.

Does Epsom salt make you lose weight?

Epsom salt or magnesium sulfate has no virtue to make you lose weight! Certainly, if you take a laxative and you do not eat you will lose weight. “But you also lose mineral salts and vitamins” warns Dr. Cieur. And when you go back to a normal diet you will regain this lost weight.

Epsom salt crystals © inews77 – stock.adobe.com

Epsom salt externally is a muscle relaxant. “The magnesium which is released on contact with water has the particularity of being well absorbed by the skin, hence the feeling of relaxationexplains Dr Cieur. “This relaxation is oriented on two axes: it de-stresses if you are upset and it also has an antispasmodic and muscle-relaxing action she informs. So, a bath of about 15-20 minutes with 2 or 3 handfuls of Epsom salt is recommended in case of body aches, muscle but also joint pain, and after an intense sports session in sports recovery. Rinse your skin with clean water before getting out of the bath.

Does it promote sleep?

Epsom salt does not in itself have any sleep-promoting properties. “However, it can help you fall asleep because when you are relaxed you sleep better” explains Dr Cieur. In the evening, to sleep well, take a bath for at least 15 minutes with Epsom salt and, if you don’t have a tub, take a foot bath.

Does it have benefits against water retention?

“Epsom salt has no interest against water retention: taken internally, it can cause dehydration informs Dr. Cieur. However, the fight against water retention requires, on the contrary, good hydration.

Epsom salt can be taken orally, for its laxative or purgative action depending on the dose ingested. However, since it is very powerful, a medical advice is strongly recommended. Epsom salt is mainly used externally, in baths and also in massage as a skin exfoliant. “We mix a handful of Epsom salt with a little water and with a glove we rub the skin to make it softer” indicates the pharmacist.

Externally, Epsom salt is mainly used in baths. “If you take a full bath, with 2 to 3 handfuls of Epsom salt, you will have a relaxing bath, but you can also have this effect by taking a foot bath (in this case, 2 to 3 tablespoons are enough “ indicates the pharmacist. In contact with water, Epsom salt releases magnesium which is absorbed by the skin. Hence a relaxing effect.

What are the dangers of Epsom salt?

“External Epsom salt is not dangerous” informs Dr. Cieur who specifies that Epsom salt contrary to what its name seems to indicate is not a salt. “You can give angry children a bath with Epsom salt, with a suitable dose (1 to 3 tablespoons, depending on age)”. On the other hand, if ingested, Epsom salt can have side effects (gastrointestinal disorders). This is why Dr. Cieur advises against its use without medical supervision.

What are the contraindications?

“Epsom salt externally has no contraindication informs Dr. Catherine Cieur. “The contraindications are related to the fact that he puts himself in a hot bath. You have to be careful if you have cardiovascular, severe respiratory or circulatory disorders” she specifies.

Where to buy Epsom salt?

You will find Epsom salt in pharmacies and organic stores.

Thanks to Dr Christine Cieur, Doctor of Pharmacy, trainer in phyto-aromatherapy, author of My Ideal Natural Pharmacy, Editions Terre vivant, May 2021.
