EPN’s reporter in the West Bank: “Hamas’ attack on Israel is a serious escalation”

EPNs reporter in the West Bank Hamas attack on Israel

The situation on the West Bank is also explosive and can change quickly, says journalist Vilma Romsi, who is there.

The Islamist extremist organization Hamas has fired more than 2,000 rockets from the Gaza Strip into Israel today, including towards Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu according to the country is at war.

Editor of Vilma Romsi is currently in the West Bank city of Ramallah. The West Bank is a Palestinian territory occupied by Israel.

– Hamas has launched a surprise attack against Israel. The attack is even called unprecedented here, says Romsi.

In addition to the rocket attacks, Hamas fighters have infiltrated from Gaza to the Israeli side of the border. There are reports of gunfights and kidnappings of people in the local media.

In response to the attack, Israel has already carried out airstrikes on Gaza, where local residents are seeking shelter. According to Roms, several deaths have also been reported in Gaza.

– Considering the scope of Hamas’s attack and the possible capture of Israelis, it is a serious escalation. I would dare to compare it to the war of 2021, says Romsi.

Israel and Hamas last fought a larger war lasting 11 days in May 2021.

Hamas has called on Palestinians living in Israel and the West Bank, as well as Israel’s neighboring countries, to participate in the attack.

According to Roms, Israel has closed all checkpoints in the West Bank around the capital of Israel, Jerusalem. This means that you cannot move between Jerusalem and the West Bank.

Anti-Israel demonstrations and clashes between Palestinians and Israeli soldiers have taken place in the West Bank today.

– The situation here is explosive and can change quickly, says Romsi.
