Novaya Huta As we approach the Belarusian and Ukraine border, the field shows a far-reaching line of tank barriers. They are called the teeth of the dragon.
We are on our way to the Novaja Huta Border Station, organized by the Belarusian Border Guard, organized by the Belarusian Border Guard.
The press tour was organized urgently because of the president Aliasandr Lukašenka caught the question at a press conference in connection with the presidential election in late January.
He said he had heard that the Border Guard had not allowed German journalists to shoot on the border of Belarus and Ukraine.
– I said, the boys, what do you? You called journalists and then deny them to do something in Belarus. After all, they don’t do any terrorist acts, right? What are you denying them. Immediately call, and if they want to, let’s go, Lukashenka said.
When the Belarusian director issues a order, the authorities implement.
A lively border crossing is now quiet
At the agreed meeting place near the border Anton byshkovski Having a large group of journalists noticed.
On the first inspection point boom, the border guards check our documents and make markings on the list. From now on, the journey continues in a guided way, with cars traveling towards the border position.
At Novaja Huta’s border station, Duty Free stores are inactive. In the neighboring country, the Russian offensive war continues, and Ukraine has closed its border crossing at the Belarusian border.
Bytškovski says the situation at the border is under control.
“The Border Guard’s organs carry out tasks in a reinforced form and do not reduce their attention, although the situation has recently demonstrated signs of normalization,” says businesski.
According to Bytškovsky, Ukraine has about 15,000 soldiers in the nearby Belarusian border, the National Guard, the police and the regional defense forces. He does not speak of Belarus’s own troops.
Bytškovski says that on the Ukrainian side, the protection of the border area itself is increasingly responsible for the Ukrainian Border Guard troops.
– They act calmly, professionally.
Belarusian border guards introduce us to anti-droons.
According to Bytškovski, 350 droons have been observed at the border during the past year. According to him, in about 20 cases, the droon injured Belarusian airspace.
On the road from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea standing concrete barriers
In the end, the border guards direct us to the surface of the border to describe. The sign reads a “happy trip”, but there are no travelers on the road now. Further away from the Ukrainian side, the anti -tank barriers and the barbed wire placed on the road.
This is the European road E95. During peace, it could be driven from St. Petersburg via Belarus to the Black Sea shore. It was a lively road especially in the summer.
In 2022, Russia used Belarusian soil in its attack in Ukraine. In Belarus, the Russian troops in military exercises stayed in the country and went to Ukraine in February. At that time, Russian troops also moved through the homel region. Wounded soldiers in the battles were treated in hospitals in the Homel region. During the war, Russia has flown droons from Homel Airport.
Russia’s attack on Kiev failed, and a few months later, Russia pulled its troops from the northern Ukraine. The Ukrainian troops took the border against Belarus.
At times, the moods on the border have sometimes been very tight. Last summer, Ukraine accused her Belarus had centralized her troops in this home area near Ukraine. Belarus, on the other hand, said Ukraine had brought 120,000 soldiers to its own border. Ukraine denied the accusation.
The purpose of the press tour is to show that Belarus is now not threatened with Ukraine. The state -of -the -art television television reporter will specifically ask if I am surprised that there are no large quantities of military equipment and troops on the border.
We do not see the troops of Belarus or Russian Armed Forces on the way, but it does not yet prove anything. For a single press tour, troops would be easy to hide.
You can’t get in your Ode but “there are other seas”
Novaja Huta in the city of the border, residents say that the situation has calmed down from the beginning of the war.
– Quiet, calm, everything is fine, Natalja describes.
The closed border has cut off the annual trips of Urmantseva to the sea, with Oda.
– It’s nothing, there are other seas and oceans. Most importantly, there would be peace and serenity, everyone would be healthy and quiet and peaceful, Urmantva says.
Vera regrets that you cannot visit your relatives in Ukraine. He is himself from Ukraine and moved to Belarus in 1985.
– It may be necessary to need some help. The sister had surgery, but we can’t travel there. Even the cemetery would like to visit, but it won’t work, Vera says.
They both thank Lukšenka for maintaining peace. So the president’s message seems to have arrived here.
Lukašenka is happy to play the role of a mediator and mediator. However, he has no innocent bystanders. Russia has placed tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus.
At the press conference, Lukashenka even accelerated when asked that he allowed Russian troops to use Belarusian soil in Ukraine.
– I don’t regret anything. I’m not a war, but we help Russia. When you Western rebukes me, I say that you have 57 countries to help Ukraine, and I alone help Russia, Lukashenka said.
“The middle brother arguing with the eldest brother”
At a closed border, the Belarusian Border Guard assures suppliers that the border can be opened quickly if Ukraine decides to open its boundaries to traffic.
– When the middle brother arguing with the eldest brother, we, like the youngest brothers, must naturally do everything possible to have order in the family, says Border Secretary of the Border Guard.
– All wars end with negotiations and peace.
At a closed border, the talk of the brotherhood of the peoples still seems distant.