EPN in Ukraine: Couples rush to get married in Kiev – bride dressed in the colors of the Ukrainian flag: “You’ll never know tomorrow”

EPN in Ukraine Couples rush to get married in Kiev

The war has stripped you of the wedding extra. Many step into the wedding in ordinary clothes, even sweatshirts. You can get married via video if your spouse is on the front.

KIOVA The bride’s father has worn a special sweater in honor of the party. The shirt is embroidered “Russian warship, get the fuck out.”

– Putin is a dick, Yuri adds and sets off to prepare a sparkling wine serving.

The family is waiting for the wedding ceremony in front of the Kiev office building. Daughter Olha Lytvynenko is getting married. The future spouse is Oleksandr Gaponov.

The wartime is also evident in the bridal couple’s clothing. The pair has been wearing monochrome tracksuits. The bride is yellow and the groom is blue.

– The style is completely patriotic. We love our country and the color white is now useless, Olha Lytvynenko says.

The color white could be interpreted to symbolize surrender.

The couple only ended their wedding day a week ago. According to the bride, they definitely wanted to get married right now.

– You’ll never know tomorrow, he says.

Just a few minutes of ceremony

The inauguration Vitali Tšarnyi takes the wedding couples inside the office building and directs them to the decorated wedding room.

The wedding march comes from the speakers. Wedding vows, changing rings, and declaring a marriage take less than five minutes.

According to Charny, the inaugurations were canceled only in the first days of the war. Otherwise, the war has not prevented the wedding, quite the contrary. The Russian attack has led many to rush to get married.

– During the war, people want to be closer to each other, Tsarnyi says.

The war has stripped you of the wedding extra. According to Tsarnyi, many people march in ordinary clothes, even in sweatpants. There are only a few or no guests.

– Some of the men will be in military uniform, he says.

During a war, couples can get married even if the spouse is on the front. It is enough for one to come to the scene. A video connection is made with the spouse on the front.

Oleksiy Pavlovskyi having a fresh wife Oksana Pavlovskaya for a tight embrace and gives a decent kiss. They have just been declared married.

– We want a lot of children and peace in Ukraine, the groom answers questions about the wishes for a common life.

The couple plans to return home directly from the local register office, although the local tradition would be to tour the famous sights taking pictures.

– Only then will we have a calm sky, we can celebrate and take pictures, Pavlovskyi says, referring to the threat of air strikes.

Shortly after the inauguration, an air alarm will sound in the center of Kiev.

An alarm could mean a missile hitting somewhere in Ukraine.

There will be news in the evening. Russia has struck the southern city of Odessa. Cruise missiles also hit residential buildings. At least eight people died in the attack, one of whom is a three-month-old baby.
