Epiphany 2022: what is the story of the Three Kings?

Epiphany 2022 what is the story of the Three Kings

[EPIPHANIE]. This Catholic holiday is celebrated this Thursday, January 6. What is the origin of Epiphany? Who are the three wise men and why do we eat a galette des rois? Here is the meaning and culinary traditions of Epiphany.

When to eat the galette des rois?

[Mise à jour du 6 janvier à 10h39]. The Epiphany takes place this Thursday, January 6, 2022, or 12 days after the birth of Jesus Christ. Each year, it is customary to celebrate this Catholic holiday on another date because it does not always fall on weekends or on a public holiday. To reunite the whole family, some meet on January 2, just after Christmas, or the following Sunday, January 9. If you haven’t tried the galette des rois, know that it is quite possible to shoot kings during the whole first fortnight of the month!

Galette, cake or brioche des rois?

Epiphany is of course associated with galette des rois, but depending on the regions of France and the different traditions, we also taste the cake or brioche of kings. Something to feast on again after the end of the year celebrations, but also to pay tribute to a tradition deeply rooted in the culture of the country.

Why do we eat a galette des rois at Epiphany?

As is customary, thehe galette des rois is eaten on Epiphany day. You have to go back to the time of the Romans to understand the history of this dessert. On the occasion of the winter solstice celebrations, locals ate a round-shaped cake, believed to represent the sun.

What is the origin of the bean?

Each pancake contained a bean. The person who won the latter was crowned as king or queen of the evening. While the bean inserted in the dessert was first a legume (the bean), it was then replaced by a gold coin, then by a porcelain bean in the XIXe century.

What is the etymology of the word “Epiphany”?

As for its meaning etymological, the term “Epiphany” comes from the Greek term “epiphaneia” which means “appearance”.

What is the origin of Epiphany, who are the three wise men?

It is a Christian feast, established by the Church in the IVe century, with the aim of celebrating thearrival of the Three Kings came to worship the Messiah, that is to say the infant Jesus, at his cradle. Coming from the East, they visit him and offer him gifts twelve days after his birth, the time to make the trip guided by a star. According to the Gospel of Saint Matthew, Melchior, an old man with white hair and a long beard offered gold signifying the Kingship of Christ. The second mage, Gaspard, a young man, offered Jesus incense, homage to his divinity. Finally, Balthazar, a black man, offered the myrrh which reminded the humanity of Jesus, and therefore that he had to die.

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The perfect Galette des Rois recipe for Epiphany

It’s hard to imagine Epiphany without its galette des rois. It is very easy to make and all the more tasty when it is homemade. Here’s how to prepare it in 20 minutes:

Ingredients for a galette des rois

  • 2 puff pastry
  • 125 g ground almonds
  • 125 g caster sugar
  • 125 g of soft butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 bean (optional)
  • 1 tablespoon of rum (optional)

Steps to make a galette des rois

  1. Preheat your oven at 7/8 thermostat (220 ° C).
  2. Work the soft butter with the sugar until the mixture is smooth and fluffy.
  3. Add the almond powder, the 2 eggs and the rum then mix well.
  4. Unroll the dough on the baking sheet, keeping the baking sheet.
  5. Garnish the center with the frangipane and spread it up to 2 cm from the edge then place the bean.
  6. Cover with the second puff pastry. Solder the two pastes by pressing the round with your fingers, then turn the edge like a hem by pressing it. Mark the edge with the tines of a fork.
  7. Using a brush, brush the surface of the pancake with the egg yolk diluted in a little cold water. With the knife blade, draw braces on the top. Lightly prick the dough to prevent it from swelling too much.
  8. Finally, bake the galette for about 20 minutes in your oven (the galette must be golden brown above and below).
