Epic Games Store may raise game prices significantly in Turkey

1701368120 Epic Games Store is giving away two games as of

Epic Games Store, may cause a significant increase in game prices in Turkey soon. The company states that it will update regional price classes.

Epic Games Store Shortly before sent the following email to some people titled “UPDATES ON REGIONAL PRICE GRADES”: “Epic Games Store reaches a wide audience with its users all over the world. To ensure that products are priced fairly and consistently across different regions, we provide our partners with recommended regional price classes specific to their product offerings. We are currently updating these regional price classes to best reflect current rules and exchange rates. If you haven’t done so recently, we recommend reviewing current product prices for each region. Your pricing strategy helps you establish a sustainable business structure while providing value to your target audience. Please keep in mind that if you update prices in any currency, you must wait 30 days before you can participate in discount events.” It is thought that many games may soon receive a serious price increase due to this class update. The company, unlike Steam, still sells in “Turkish Lira” and is hoped not to change this.by many peopleThe last bastion of PC gamers” is seen as.


By the way, it was previously sold to players for 25 TL by Epic Games Store. The Big Con The game is given for free. The summary description for this game is as follows: “Play as Ali, a curious and sarcastic high school student, who escapes from band camp to embark on a cross-country road trip. But this is not a fun trip! Ali is on a very important mission to save his family’s video store from malicious loan sharks who are trying to close it down. Ripe foreigners, pickpocket and defraud people in crazy 90’s America. And – it really goes without saying – don’t mention any of this to your mother. Decide who deserves to be scammed and who might need help. Think of the world as your oyster (hey, pearls are precious!).”

The company also Town of Salem 2 It also gives the game for free. The summary description of this game is as follows: “Welcome to Town of Salem, a gripping online multiplayer game of murder, deception and survival set in the quaint but dangerous town of Salem. Immerse yourself in this exciting social deduction adventure where your strategy, intelligence, and ability to read others are your greatest assets. Can you uncover the truth before it’s too late, or will deception lead you astray?
