Steam rival digital game market Epic Games Store This time, he is giving away a single game again. The company continues to please with free games.
Free game given today by Epic Games Store ghostrunner 2 The following information was given about: “Blood will flow in this highly anticipated first-person slasher, set one year after the events of Ghostrunner. Adventure in a post-apocalyptic cyberpunk future that takes place after the fall of the Keymaster, a tyrant who rules over humanity’s last refuge, the Dharma Tower. Jack returned to combat the brutal AI cult gathering outside the Dharma Tower and shape the future of humanity. It features incredible katana fighting mechanics, deeper exploration of the world beyond the Tower of Dharma, non-linear levels with complex motorcycle sections, exciting new modes, and all the action beloved of Ghostrunner. “In addition, boss fights are more interactive, giving players the freedom to choose how to survive battles against the toughest opponents.”
Yesterday control The play was given and the following description was given for the production: “When a secret office in New York is invaded by an extraterrestrial threat, you step up to take control as the new Director. This supernatural 3rd-person action-adventure game from Remedy Entertainment requires you to master supernatural ability combinations, customizable equipment, and responsive environments while fighting your way through a vast and unpredictable world. Control tells the story of Jesse Faden and his search for answers to his questions while taking on the role of Warden. Just like the world of Control, the friends Jesse encounters on his journey have their own stories. While working with other Bureau agents, Jesse discovers hidden experiments and secrets.”